Beverly Crusher Hologram Bridge Officer - Rare, Not Very Rare
Jun 22, 2023 · This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox.
How does Beverley Crusher know what's causing her shrinking
Aug 9, 2014 · At the beginning of TNG's 'Remember Me', Beverly Crusher walks into Main Engineering, sees her son Wesley doing some sort of experiment, and then gets caught in a …
How old was Beverly when... : r/startrekpicard - Reddit
Feb 24, 2023 · Beverly Crusher is quite a bit younger than Picard. She was born 2324 according to Memory Alpha, which would make her 77 in the present day of 2401. That would have …
Optimal crew setup for Armadas? : r/STFC_Official - Reddit
Mar 28, 2021 · Rare Beverly Crusher - TNG Crew (c), Epic Jean-Luc Picard - TNG Crew and Epic Khan - Khan's Crew Armada Crews Frankin-A vs Swarm Armadas Epic Benjamin Sisco - …
The hair of Chief Medical Officer Beverly Crusher... - Reddit
Apr 28, 2020 · I've noticed that in season 3, after Wesley's mother returns to the Enterprise, that her hair is short when she first arrives.
Dr. Pulaski is better than Beverly Crusher : r/startrek - Reddit
Jul 20, 2020 · I can imagine some of the dislike by some trekkies is because she is not as "pretty" as Dr. Crusher. However, re-watching TNG again, I find Dr. Pulaski a much better character. …
Best Beverly Crusher Posts - Reddit
"BEVERLY CRUSHER – Leslie's 35-year-old mother. She serves as the chief medical officer on the Enterprise. If it were not for her intelligence, personality, beauty, and the fact that she has …
Why was Dr. Pulaski replaced by Dr. Crusher in the third ... - Reddit
Oct 12, 2014 · Crusher was great seasons 3-7 when they toned down her abrasive qualities. Pulaski was never going to last. Disclaimer: Some of my fondness for Crusher definitely …
Why were Picard, Beverly Crusher, and Worf summoned to …
I felt like Crusher's presence was harder to explain than Picard's. It's easier to buy that the latter has some specific experience that makes him suitable, plus he's quite still quite fit and field …
An ode to one of my favorite Next Gen episodes: "Remember Me"
Oct 31, 2021 · I know this episode of TNG gets some flack for being ridiculous, but the ridiculous episodes--if I'm being honest--are some of my favorite episodes in all of Trek. "Remember Me" …