SCROLL MOUSE issue with CADMouse possibly resolved
Jun 15, 2024 · It sounds like you went much further than I did, attempting to resolve the issue and considering the price of the unit, it's disappointing that 3DConnexion haven't identified and solved the issue by now. It is a great mouse and for the work I do in CAD and 3D, has made my life more comfortable, for my hand at least (yes, 1st world problems eh).
Not working after Solidworks last update - 3Dconnexion Forum
Nov 19, 2024 · Hello, I have a wireless 3Dconnexion Spacemouse with the latest driver (3DxWare64_v10-9-1_b650 dowloaded today) on Windows 11 Familly.
Autodesk Revit - 3Dconnexion Forum
Oct 20, 2018 · Revit supports 3dconnexion devices, however it’s not fully implemented. You cannot map native functions, such as: a wall, window, trim extents all, line, and so on to a button or radial menu button.
3DConnexion mouse not working properly with Inventor 2022
Oct 1, 2021 · Hi I have been using my 3D connexion spacemouse pro without any issues with Inventor 2019, recently we upgraded inventor from 2019 to 2022 and I can't customize the buttons, the mouse is working and I can rotate the designs; however, when I try to assign a hotkey to a button, it doesn't respond and it acts like if I didn't assign a hotkey previously.
3D mouse is unresponsive in 3DS MAX - 3Dconnexion Forum
Feb 27, 2025 · I own a 3D mouse, it isn't new but works fine in different applications. When I try to use it in 3DS MAX I cannot seem to get it to work. I've installed the drivers, restarted the program and my PC, still nothing. Would love some help on the subject. Thanks.
After rotating or moving my part keeps moving - 3Dconnexion
Apr 9, 2015 · The viewport camera continue twist rotation after the movement has been made. I tried to calibrate it many times, but if the unwanted movement goes to the right, after the calibration it goes to the left and vice versa. The 3D connexion trainer does show some "Spin" in idle position but the kettle outthere is in stationary position.
Use 3DConnexion over Remote Desktop - 3Dconnexion Forum
Mar 4, 2020 · I just bought a new 3D connexion wireless mouse. I use it to work in Solidworks 2020. If I use the 3Dmouse connected to my workstation in my office everything works (solidworks). If I use the 3Dmouse connected to my windows laptop everything works (tutorial is smooth). I would like to use the 3Dmouse connected to my windows laptop.
Spacemouse compact won't work with SolidWorks connected 2025
Nov 28, 2024 · I have updated my solidworks connected to 2025 (3DEXPERIENCE R2025x HotFix 0.3) and since then my spacemouse doesn't work anymore.
Re-Configuring the Axis / Rotation Settings - 3Dconnexion
Dec 14, 2013 · 1) I use the mouse in the default configuration, and I find this to be far better and more intuitive than the other way. It just makes sense with a vertical screen, and the mouse on a horizontal desk surface. Pull the mouse towards you, and the model moves towards you. Lift the mouse up, and the model goes up. Etc. This is the way it should be.
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC - does not work with 3D mouse?
Dec 7, 2006 · Hi again - I just installed the latest 10.2.8 driver, and Adobe Reader DC 2015-008.20082. My Space Mouse Pro is mostly unresponsive in Reader DC, though it sometimes will emulate the mouse wheel (in Reader DC), if MS Outlook 2013 is also open.