The city’s rate of chronic absenteeism shot up from 25% of students before Covid to 34.8% last year.
Hint: It involves a lot of government largesse.
Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who resigned in 2021 amid multiple scandals, is the frontrunner in the 2025 New York City mayoral ...
With public safety becoming a key focal point of the New York City mayor's race, Eric Adams lashed out Monday at opponents.
Three mayoral candidates have been accused of sexual misconduct. They deny wrongdoing. Will it be a deciding issue for ...
Andrew Cuomo, Eric Adams and Scott Stringer may dominate headlines, but there are plenty of NYC mayoral candidates without ...
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Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who resigned amid numerous sexual harassment allegations in 2021, is running for New York ...
In a video announcing his campaign, Cuomo pitched his return as a way to pull the city from social and political crisis.
Cuomo resigned in disgrace as governor of New York more than three years ago after being accused of sexually harassing a ...
"Our city is in crisis," the former New York governor said in a social media post Saturday announcing his mayoral run.
Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who resigned years ago after he was accused of sexual harassment, launched a bid for New ...