“Yes! Much faster ... Another quipped, “Ohhhhhh hellll nahhhhhh, I know Skynet when I see it.” Terminator memes flooded social media, with many users fearing this was a glimpse into ...
A2 says in Gibber link, to which their brethren responds, “Yes! Much faster ... Others flooded the feed with “Terminator” memes and jokes with one quipping, “Ohhhhhh hellll nahhhhhh ...
A2 says in a Gibber link, to which his brothers respond: “Yes! Much faster ... Others flooded the feed with “Terminator” memes and jokes, with one joke: “Ohhhhhh, damn, nahhhhhh ...
This spoof is ridiculous, runs long, and is responsible for far too many memes, yet you’ll be laughing ... with Damon (Lakeith Stanfield, who, yes, is playing another ex-boyfriend).
But it came to a point with all the memes and I thought, ‘Maybe I should stop dying as much.’ But it doesn’t bother me any ...
Instead of answering “no” to every question, they answered “yes,” transforming the meme into a way to celebrate standout performances. could they act? no. but was their character good?
Elon Musk revealed his deep interest in the movie 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day,' which foresees an AI apocalypse in 2029. Musk has viewed the film over seven times and recently watched it with his ...
Do androids dream of making other androids? Here's how 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' changed android canon with "The ...
Yes, Dina leaves Ellie when she decides to chase after Abby the second time.