Opera Air is a mindfulness-based browser focused on relaxation and mental health, with built-in mood music and meditative exercises. The browser simplifies setup with nature-based backgrounds ...
AIMAN mengambil masa selama hampir enam bulan untuk membuat persiapan bercuti ke Osaka dan Tokyo, Jepun. APABILA merancang untuk bercuti, siapa sahaja pasti teruja. Selama hampir enam bulan membuat ...
"Morgiane" is believed to be the oldest existing opera written by a Black American — but despite its historic significance, the show was only performed for audiences for the first time in 2025.
TOKYO – Lebih 2,000 anggota bomba cuba memadamkan kebakaran hutan terbesar dalam tempoh tiga dekad di Jepun, kata beberapa pegawai hari ini ketika sekitar 4,600 penduduk masih menerima nasihat ...
A few years ago, when Opera first released the Workspaces feature, I was certain no other browser would top it. I was right for a long time. Eventually, however, other web browsers caught on and ...
Last year’s production of Sunset Boulevard is shaping up as a major misstep for Opera Australia.Credit: Artwork by Michael Howard In the basement of The Opera Centre (“Toc” to those who work ...
UTSUNOMIYA - Seorang wanita berusia 108 tahun dari timur Jepun secara rasmi diiktiraf pada Rabu oleh Guinness World Records sebagai tukang gunting rambut wanita tertua di dunia, lapor Agensi Berita ...
Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) perlu mengambil iktibar daripada kemelut perjalanan politik Parti Kongres di India serta Parti Demokratik Liberal (LDP) di Jepun. Presiden PBB yang juga ...
Shutdown Looms as Democrats Say They Won’t Back Spending Bill Senator Chuck Schumer, the Senate Democratic leader, instead urged Republicans to consider another extension to weigh individual ...
Gambar hiasan/ AP TOKYO: Firma di Jepun kini menghadapi kekurangan pekerja sepenuh masa paling ketara sejak pandemik COVID-19, dengan lebih separuh daripada firma yang disoal selidik melaporkan ...