from musk ox to bearded polar explorers. Holst asked researchers at Norway's Polar Research Institute if they knew why polar bear fur doesn't ice up. None did, but they decided to investigate ...
Musk oxen are listed in Yakutia's Red Data Book ... Climate change shifts habitats of brown and polar bears. "The brown bear is moving into the tundra, shifting towards the coast.
Living in small societies built around a few families, they moved with the seasons to hunt seals, polar bears, walruses and beluga whales on the coast and caribou and musk ox on the tundra.
Plus, Caroline Steel from the BBC's Crowdscience podcast has been finding out how Norwegians are protecting themselves from the growing number of encounters with polar bears.
Wildlife includes seals, walrus, polar bears, musk ox, murres, wolves, arctic hare, jeagers, terns and a collection of other species that are uniquely suited towards surviving the harsh arctic ...
Musk oxen have got used to the Expedition Tour staff and their behavior, and the people have managed to direct them to the pen, where it is more convenient to protect the animals from bears ...