What are the best League of Legends champions right now? Metas change, the LoL tier list will fluctuate, and it could be that your favorite champion might not be in a great place right now.
Which League of Legends skins are currently on sale in the store? LoL is a free-to-play game in the truest sense – you can enjoy everything the MOBA offers for absolutely nothing. Now if you ...
The 15.3 meta has reshaped mid-lane dynamics, prioritizing early-game influence over late-game scaling. This shift favors aggressive roamers and control-heavy champions, leading to a rise in ...
IF YOU’RE LOOKING TO ATTEND THE FASHION SHOW, A LINK FOR TICKETS IS ON OUR WEBSITE AND THE WVTM APP. The Poze Bazaar Foundation is holding a fashion show with plans to donate proceeds to Prescott ...
Condamnări la închisoare în procesul de 15 milioane de euro, cu 1.500 de poze și 200 de filmări cu Michael Schumacher Acuzat de complicitate, fiul său a fost condamnat şase luni de închisoare cu ...
North America is getting its own all-star team to watch in the minor leagues as Doublelift has formed a formidable roster that looks to make a run for the LTA. The multi-time LCS champion ...
Premiile Oscar 2025 au fost marcate de succesul răsunător al filmului „Anora”, regizat de Sean Baker, care a obținut cinci trofee din cele șase nominalizări. Producția independentă a câștigat cele mai ...
It would take hundreds, maybe thousands of hours playing League of Legends to collect every champion without spending hard-earned cash by the truckload. That’s why Riot Games gives away weekly ...
The League of Legends Worlds Championship is the culminating event in the LoL Esports season and decides the ultimate global League of Legends Champion. Worlds 2025 is going back to China, taking ...
Fost campion al României cu Astra Giurgiu, Șumudică nu s-a bucurat în totalitate după ultima etapă. Rapid a obținut doar o remiză pe teren propriu cu FCSB, scor 0-0, după ce a evoluat mai bine de o ...
An illustration of a magnifying glass. An illustration of a magnifying glass.