The main NHS dietary guidelines for type 2 diabetes say people should eat a low-fat diet, and fill up on brown pasta, bread ...
Managing diabetes requires a balanced diet that helps stabilise blood sugar levels. Here are some time-tested Indian food ...
The new initiative aims to take the guesswork out of healthy eating for diabetes management. My Food Bag has partnered with ...
What are the key medical considerations for people with diabetes who wish to fast during Ramadan and how can they assess ...
A prediabetes diagnosis does not mean you will develop type 2 diabetes. It is a risk factor, but you can take steps to ...
Disordered eating in people living with type 1 diabetes is often referred to as T1DE. Diabulimia is one example of T1DE, a ...
The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the Diabetes and Ramadan (DAR) International Alliance have developed guidelines to classify individuals with diabetes into risk categories. High risks ...
Some diet and lifestyle habits can help you manage your blood sugar levels and prevent the condition from progressing to type 2 diabetes. If you’ve received a diagnosis of prediabetes ...
Diabetes affects more than 1 in 10 adults worldwide and has been accompanied by an increase in vision-threatening diabetic ...
ATTD conference, experts debated whether patients who use continuous glucose monitoring should aim for normal glycemia.
Gestational diabetes in India affects 10-14% of pregnant women, higher than in western countries, with genetic and non-genetic factors increasing the ...
So, while you’re whipping up your next shake using one of the best protein shakers, we looked more closely at the existing ...