Magma is the name given to molten material inside the earth (volcano) whereas lava is the name given to molten material which is often ejected from a volcano and then cools and solidifies.
When a volcano erupts there can be lava, ash, steam or gaseous emissions. Sometimes eruptions are explosive and lava is thrown out as volcanic bombs. Hotspots are places where the magma rises up ...
Geophysical methods, such as seismic and magnetotelluric imaging, offer insights into the structure and composition of magma reservoirs. However, most studies focus on individual volcanoes ...
Thankfully, the Axial Seamount is different from the Northwest’s other volcanoes, both in frequency and severity. According to Science Alert, the shield structure of the peak formed from thin ...
a volcano-like structure rising more than 500 meters from the seafloor and possibly emitting gas. The discovery came as scientists from different organizations were aboard the Healy, one of two ...
Figure 1: Morphology and internal structure of a mud volcano. The morphological appearance of a crater rim, moat and central pedestal mirrors that of magmatic calderas. Evans and co-authors ...