The reports of a 'breach' are greatly exaggerated. What the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal lacks in relevance it sure makes up for in melodramatic rhetoric. Take Bloomberg, for instance ...
It means Facebook will have to face a class action lawsuit over accusations it misled investors about the Cambridge Analytica data scandal, which stemmed from the company using data from tens of ...
Lawmakers are calling for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to testify in the wake of a massive data scandal centered around the political research company, Cambridge Analytica, and how it harvested ...
Facebook and Cambridge Analytica are the villains in this real-life horror story, but what does Netflix’s The Great Hack get right and wrong about the data hacking scandal? Thankfully ...
Christopher Wylie, whose public comments set off the recent scandal over the data analytics firm's use of Facebook data in its work with the Trump campaign, said Cambridge Analytica's talks of plans ...
is known for leaking documents to journalists that showed how Cambridge Analytica harvest the data of millions of Facebook users without their consent, using it to inform targeted political ...
The 28-year-old data genius devised the ideas behind Cambridge Analytica, the firm that took ... most of us thought reasonably private sent Facebook reeling into a crisis and added another twist ...
Facebook’s practice of collecting and ... The GDPR may not only help us avoid the next Cambridge Analytica scandal, but also open up the market that is currently controlled by a tiny handful ...