As old assurances on the world stage wither and die, it's imperative that Britain gets its military back on its feet.
London, March 12: The Army estimates for 1925-26 amount to £44,500,000 compared with £44,000,000 for 1924-25. Establishment for the regular Army takes up £160,666 compared with £161,000 last year, ...
Before the war had started, Britain had a small professional army, sacrificing manpower for superior mobility and technology over the enemy. There was also a Territorial Army which was poorly ...
The government wants to double the size of the Territorial Army to 30,000 and rename it the Army Reserves. The size of the regular army is being cut by 20,000 to 82,000.
They gained just three square miles of territory. British and German troops faced ... shells to stop the Germans re-grouping. The German Army counter-attacked and recovered a lot of lost ground.