If Terminator 7 casts this perfect Schwarzenegger replacement, I would love to see it repeat the franchise's best and most ...
For the first time in decades an ideal replacement for Arnold Schwarzenegger's original T-800 is available, so I can't ...
Arnold Schwarzenegger has played a killer cyborg in every single Terminator movie, but his forgotten human role was his most ...
Every Terminator movie since T2 has tried to introduce a new actor as the face of the franchise, but, unsurprisingly, no one has been able to replace Arnold Schwarzenegger. When he was introduced ...
A look back on Alan Ritchson's roles in Reacher, Fast X, and other hits proves that he is ideally suited to replace ...
Alongside Schwarzenegger, Dr. Peter Silberman ... Dr. Silberman returns in the second Terminator film in more of a secondary antagonist role, now the doctor in charge of Sarah Connor’s treatment ...